Kleinplaneten, endeckt in 194 Tivoli

von Lehmann & Knöfel
Volkssternwarte Drebach

Stand: 9.Oktober 2014

  1. Interessante Kleinplaneten
  Bahnelemente und Ephemeriden
  Kleinplaneten 194 Tivoli

1. Interesante Kleinplaneten

Wenn Sie dem Link mit der Bezeichnung des Kleinplaneten folgen, gelangen Sie zum JPL Small-Body Database Browser. Dort werden vom Kleinplaneten die Bahn im Sonnensystem, die Bahnelemente und die physikalische Parameter gezeigt. Wenn der Kleinplanet benannt wurde, findet sich dort auch die Laudatio.

2012 PL16
2012 July 16-Aug. 22
2012 PN16
3 oppositions, 2007-2012
2012 PH17
3 oppositions, 2008-2012
2012 PJ17
2012 Aug. 12-21
2012 PP19
2012 Aug. 11-16
2012 PS19
2012 Aug. 13-22
2012 PU19
2 oppositions, 2005-2012
2012 PO20
2012 Aug. 11-22
2012 PX20
2012 Aug. 8-12
2012 PX23
2012 Aug. 12-22
2012 PY23
2012 Aug. 12-22
2012 PW29
5 oppositions, 2002-2012
2012 PK35
2012 Aug. 11-13
2012 QA2
2012 Aug. 14-23
2012 QO3
4 oppositions, 1995-2012
2014 OW
2014 July 3-30
2014 OX
2014 June 27-July 30
2014 OX1
2014 May 25-July 30
2014 OV2
2014 July 23-30
2014 OW2
2014 July 23-Aug. 3
2014 OX2
2014 June 26-Aug. 14
2014 OY2
2014 July 23-Aug. 3
2014 OZ2
2014 July 24-25
2014 OA3
2014 July 24-25
2014 OF3
2 oppositions, 2007-2014
2007 YS10
2 oppositions, 2007-2014
2014 OR6
2014 July 23-Aug. 16
2014 OS6
2014 July 23-30
2014 OT6
2014 June 20-Aug. 15
2014 OV6
2014 July 24-Aug. 4
2014 OW6
2014 July 24-31
2014 OX6
2014 July 24-Aug. 16
2014 OF104
2014 OF104
2014 OK112
2014 July 23-29
2014 OL112
2014 July 24-30
2014 OM112
2014 June 29-Aug. 3
2014 ON112
2014 July 24-29
2014 OQ130
2014 June 29-Aug. 16
2014 OE199
2014 July 27-29
2014 OC361
2014 July 28-Aug. 4
2014 OM372
2014 July 23-30
2014 ON372
2014 July 23-Aug. 16


DISCSTATUS V5.2a                              Report prepared 2014 Oct. 9
Status Report for Tivoli
Number of designations found =      46
Count    Designation         Principal     Orbit
     1 : 2000 MU6   x      :  (17583)   :  Numbered object
     2 : 2007 PS10  TI07001: (334501)   :  Numbered object
     3 : 2012 PL16  TIV005A:            :  37-day arc (MPO237432)
     4 : 2012 PN16  TIV010A: 2012 PN16  :  3 opps, 2007-2012 (MPO239966)
     5 : 2012 PG17  TIV013A: (386980) + :  Numbered object
     6 : 2012 PH17  TIV022A: 2012 PH17  :  3 opps, 2008-2012 (MPO239967)
     7 : 2012 PJ17  TIV019A:            :   9-day arc (MPO237432)
     8 : 2012 PK17  TIV021A: (386981) + :  Numbered object
     9 : 2012 PP19  TIV003A:            :   5-day arc (MPO237433)
    10 : 2012 PS19  TIV025A:            :   9-day arc (MPO237433)
    11 : 2012 PU19  TIV030A: 2012 PU19  :  2 opps, 2005-2012 (MPO239969)
    12 : 2012 PO20  TIV007A:            :  11-day arc (MPO237433)
    13 : 2012 PX20  TIV017A:            :   5-day arc (MPO237433)
    14 : 2012 PX23  TIV023A:            :   9-day arc (MPO237434)
    15 : 2012 PY23  TIV014B:            :  10-day arc (MPO237434)
    16 : 2012 PW29  TIV040A: 2012 PW29  :  5 opps, 2002-2012 (MPO239976)
    17 : 2012 PK35  TIV008A:            :   2-day arc (MPO242010)
    18 : 2012 QA2   TIV033B:            :   8-day arc (MPO237436)
    19 : 2012 QO3   TIV035B: 2012 QO3   :  4 opps, 1995-2012 (MPO267570)
    20 : 2012 QD43  TIV053A:            :  None
    21 : 2014 OW    TIV1407:            :  27-day arc (MPO303434)
    22 : 2014 OX    TIV1406:            :  33-day arc (MPO303434)
    23 : 2014 OX1   TIV1437:            :  66-day arc (MPO302025)
    24 : 2014 OV2   TIV1450:            :  64-day arc (MPO305002)
    25 : 2014 OW2   TIV1455:            :  11-day arc (MPO303434)
    26 : 2014 OX2   TIV1456: 2014 OX2   :  8 opps, 1994-2014 (MPO308664)
    27 : 2014 OY2   TIV1463:            :  10-day arc (MPO303435)
    28 : 2014 OZ2   TIV1468:            :  None
    29 : 2014 OA3   TIV1467:            :  None
    30 : 2014 OF3   TIV1471: 2007 YS10  :  2 opps, 2007-2014 (MPO301618)
    31 : 2014 OR6   TIV1453:            :  23-day arc (MPO307103)
    32 : 2014 OS6   TIV1457:            :   6-day arc (MPO303436)
    33 : 2014 OT6   TIV1466: 2014 OT6   :  5 opps, 2006-2014 (MPO305008)
    34 : 2014 OV6   TIV1483:            :  11-day arc (MPO303436)
    35 : 2014 OW6   TIV1489: 2014 OW6   :  3 opps, 2004-2014 (MPO311416)
    36 : 2014 OX6   TIV1491:            :  55-day arc (MPO311416)
    37 : 2014 OF104 TIV1498:            :   3-day arc (MPO307116)
    38 : 2014 OK112 TIV1439:            :  36-day arc (MPO307117)
    39 : 2014 OL112 TIV1490:            :   5-day arc (MPO303461)
    40 : 2014 OM112 TIV1486:            :  35-day arc (MPO307117)
    41 : 2014 ON112 TIV1488:            :   4-day arc (MPO307117)
    42 : 2014 OQ130 TIV1495:            :  59-day arc (MPO307119)
    43 : 2014 OE199 TIV14A8:            :  None
    44 : 2014 OC361 TIV14C1:            :  52-day arc (MPO311431)
    45 : 2014 OM372 TIV1454:            :  52-day arc (MPO311431)
    46 : 2014 ON372 TIV1458: 2014 ON372 :  3 opps, 2007-2014 (MPO311432)
This site has discovered     2 numbered objects
     0 of the numbered objects have been named
     4 of the discoveries are identified with numbered minor planets
    10 of the discoveries are involved in multiple-apparition orbits
     9 of the discoveries are principal designations
    10 of the one-opposition objects have >= 30-day arc orbits
    18 of the one-opposition objects have < 30-day arc orbits
     4 of the one-opposition objects have no orbit

-- End of report


For each provisionally-designated object that you have discovered(*) the
following information is displayed:

 1) a monotonically-increasing count that has no significance other
    than to indicate the order in this list.

 2) the provisional designation followed by the observer-assigned
    temporary designation.  Occasionally the temporary designation
    will begin with '/' (e.g., /95Y03R) indicating that the observations
    were originally reported as belonging to some known object (in the
    example, 1995 YR3).

 3) the principal designation if the object is involved in a
    double designation or identification.  When the principal designation
    is a numbered object, the designation is followed by an asterisk
    if you are credited with the discovery of that numbered object.  The
    asterisk is followed by 'N' if the object has been named.

 4) if the numbered designation was assigned on or after 2010 Oct. 19 and
    the discoverer of the numbered object is not the same as the discoverer
    of the principal designation, then the asterisk is replaced with '+'.

 5) details on the latest orbit available for the object.  Most references
    will be to the MPCs.  References that begin with 'E' refer to MPECs.

This list is intended to be complete through the latest batch of MPCs,
supplemented with any Daily Orbit Update MPECs.

(*) For designations assigned on or after 2010 Oct. 19, please see
MPEC 2010-U20 for information on how discovery credit will be assigned.

--End of notes

   Gareth V. Williams, MS 18, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Associate Director, Minor Planet Center             gwilliams@cfa.harvard.edu